A Recap of My Month- February Edition
5:43:00 PMWhoa. February is already over. Thats 2 freaking months in the new year all ready gone!! Can we just embrace that for a minute...
Anyways, the month is over, so you know what that means, wrap up time!!!
February was a slow month for me, I was incredibly unmotivated, which explains why I did not do as much reading as I liked, this month I am definitely going to have to pick up the pace a bit! Here is what I managed to shove into my brain despite my complete lack of energy...
I also read a book for school, which I did not include above^^
Now, due to my incredible laziness I am 2 books behind my monthly goal of reading 8 books a month *dies* 2 BOOKS!!! March has better be a good reading month for me otherwise I am going to crawl into a hole and die.
Moving on...
The sad part is, I had a rough blogging month too... February has not been a great month for me. Once again completely unmotivated me has simply been too lazy too blog. Which has resulted in it haunting me day in and day out, filling me with endless guilt. Which is of course why March will not only be a month dedicatd to reading, but to blogging too!!
I am also planning on either starting a bookstagram or booklr this month so look out for that! This time I am actually quite serious about it... Unlike before when I was being a liar* I am pretty confident I will start one this time...
*liar liar pants on fire.

Although lets be honest here, I barely even posted so I didn't have much to choose from. I SWEAR this will change though. I shall have my dragons remind me at every hour to write a new post. I am quite busy being a queen and all though...
My life is of course boring as ever. I do nothing all day everyday. I just eat food.
One thing that I guess could be considered exciting, although most likely not according to other peoples standards is the fact I got a new phone. Which all thouGH may seem like a great thing, resulted in my being quite poor, which is *insert sarcasm here* the best thing ever.
Otherwise everything has been nice and calm, and well of course boring. My plans for taking over the world are still undergoing, dragons are being trained, armies are being raised, etc. etc. Nothing much I can say about that as it is top secret...
- Read, read, read. Catch up with my goal. No more falling behind!!
- Spend my gift cards. some people might not consider this a goal, but I do I MUST FILL MY BOOKSHELVES Nourish them!
- Blog. I love blogging so I have no idea why I have been so inconsistent with it! what is wrong with me??? I know of a few things, but not blogging should not be one of them!!
- Finish my blog planner, it is currently a work in progress but were getting there!! Slowly...
- WRITE. I have put off continuing with my book for a month, its time to pick up whatever is left of my ideas, and actually do something with them, because I am being stupid.
- Continue with my evil plans. An obvious goal.
- Redesign my blog, I have a concept in mind, I just have to try it out. After having this design for 2 months I am already bored of it... That should change.
Oh Maya, please stop being so hard on yourself!! Yes, it's lovely to achieve your goals, but it's also okay to get distracted or just have other priorities that get in the way. I hope you feel March is more successful for you, but I think you're doing great!
ReplyDeleteBeth x
Hehe thank you so much! Achieving goals is great and all, but so is doing nothing. I do believe I need to get my priorities straight, so I truly can make March successful!