December Wrap Up

11:26:00 AM

I desperately wanted to do a yearly wrap up, but then I realized I did not count how many books I read, and I also remember like none of them. They always get jumbled up in my tiny brain and I can't remember whether I read them 4 years ago, or 4 months ago. However something my brain is capable of comprehending, is the books I read this month, and the books I got this month, so here they are...

This series is, well, THE BEST SERIES IN THE ENITRE FLIPPING UNIVERSE AND I AM SO, SO SAD IT IS OVER, also everyone should read it. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E. Clearly I cannot put my love for this book into words, and am just flailing about like an idiot. If you would like to see my thoughts on the other two books, click here and here. 

Wow this book was so much better than I expected! I was SO happy with it! Wanna know more? Click this!(don't question me, just click it)

I enjoyed this. Very much. Buuuutttt... It was slow *sobs* I need the fast pace, action packed, super crazy scenes everywhere. But they weren't. I loved this book, with a fiery passion, but one thing I crave is more action. This is my full review ------> here.

Who is my favorite author? JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT!!!! Her books are my life *breathes heavily* I love them. This book is by her, I love it. #1 its about greek gods, umm yes please!!! #2 I love the characters personalities. #3 love interest *grins*. #4 The writing is to die for! What's not to love???

Alright, alright, so I'm not technically finished yet. However I will be when January 1 comes around! Since I am posting this a teeny bit early, I thought I should include this. I am loving it! Sarah J. Maas has such beautiful writing! Lately I have been reading so many books written in first person, the change is SO nice and refreshing! Not to mention the love triangle, it's killing me. I ship her with Chaol so much. If she chooses Dorian. Somebody will die. Also ACTION, ACTION, ACTION! Like ummm yes please!

I am super excited to read all of these! I can't wait to read the 3 sequels I got because I am DYING to find out what happens next, in these fabulastastic(new word????) series! Also since I adore Percy Jackson(my one true love) I HAD to ask for Rick Riordan's new book! Can I just say, I have read one page, and it's hilarious. I recommend it to everyone, even though I have no clue what it is actually like.

I now present to you some pretty darn fabulous blog posts that you should check out:

Favorite Bookstagramers/by Twirling Pages/This post is super helpful when it comes to finding bookstagrams to stalk and enjoy

So I’m Crazy Excited For The 2016 Debuts/by Bookish Serendipity/ Wanna know what amazing books are coming out next year? This post is sure to help, with a nice list of some books you should be excited for!

Introducing Nellie And Co's 2016 Blog Planner/by Nellie and Co/ I love this planner! I am actually going to be using it to help me with my blog in 2016! It is amazing! Not to mention 100% freeeee so I totally recommend you check it out!

There was definitely tons more amazing blog posts I found this month! But here are just a few for you to enjoy!

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