Okay, okay, first off I just wanna say I HAVEN'T POSTED IN WHAT FEELS LIKE FOREVER. What is wrong with me? I don't know. So many things have been happening, so much homework, it is NOT okay. I have two tests next week and am just, flailing about. Once I finished my homework each day, I was just tired. Writing a post was... too tiring... I AM BACK THOUGH! After the scary incident of my computer almost breaking today, I am back!
So I didn't have any reviews to post or anything, because I didn't read anything I WANTED to review. So I didn't thats some smart thinking right there I once again, was dying. Like always, I didn't know what to post. Then BAMBAMPOWWW Idea. I decided to talk about fear. Ummmmmm what? Yes fear. What is it that is holding everyone back? FEAR! It is the most annoying thing ever. So lets talk about it.
I AM CONSTANTLY TERRIFIED. Literally. All of the time. In the real word *shudders* and in the bookish world. I always feel like people are just creeping on me, judging my every move. Commenting on peoples blogs. SCARY. Making posts on my own blog. SCARY. Starting an Instagram. SCARY. Starting a Twitter. SCARY.
You probably feel the same way. If you don't TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!!! I don't want to be a shy turtle. I just am! There is no stopping me from feeling and acting like a shy turtle. Do feel like one too?? Why can I not just stop?! Tell me. There is only one thing I tried, that actually helped!
I decided to confront my fears! Since I heard that it could help. I decided that the reason I was so scared was because I wanted to be accepted. I felt like a shy turtle surrounded by a bunch of... regular turtles. I was terrified that everyone would dislike me, that I wouldn't get views, I was in constant fear of messing up! THAT IS STUPID! I kept. No, I KEEP forgetting that EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE! The bookish community is the most welcoming place EVER!
Every single one of us needs to remember
I swear by this.
Each and every time I post, or comment, I am scared. But you know what? I think that it's okay to be scared . Even if I am terrified, once it is done I always feel better about myself, I feel happy! Every time I do one of these things, I feel like maybe I can be a normal turtle too! Yes my fear probably will never go away, talking to other people is scary! But when they reply back, or comment on my own blog. ITS WORTH IT! It makes me feel like the best turtle in the world!
Fear is okay. As long as you don't let it grow. It's like an evil monster. If you don't attack it, it will kill you. NOBODY WANTS TO DIE!! Facing your fears is the most important thing to do, ever. If you don't, all of your fears will come true. Your blog won't grow, you won't make friends. You will be a shy turtle forever! So viciously attack your fear, even if it is with your bare hands!
So I didn't have any reviews to post or anything, because I didn't read anything I WANTED to review. So I didn't thats some smart thinking right there I once again, was dying. Like always, I didn't know what to post. Then BAMBAMPOWWW Idea. I decided to talk about fear. Ummmmmm what? Yes fear. What is it that is holding everyone back? FEAR! It is the most annoying thing ever. So lets talk about it.
I AM CONSTANTLY TERRIFIED. Literally. All of the time. In the real word *shudders* and in the bookish world. I always feel like people are just creeping on me, judging my every move. Commenting on peoples blogs. SCARY. Making posts on my own blog. SCARY. Starting an Instagram. SCARY. Starting a Twitter. SCARY.
You probably feel the same way. If you don't TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!!! I don't want to be a shy turtle. I just am! There is no stopping me from feeling and acting like a shy turtle. Do feel like one too?? Why can I not just stop?! Tell me. There is only one thing I tried, that actually helped!
I decided to confront my fears! Since I heard that it could help. I decided that the reason I was so scared was because I wanted to be accepted. I felt like a shy turtle surrounded by a bunch of... regular turtles. I was terrified that everyone would dislike me, that I wouldn't get views, I was in constant fear of messing up! THAT IS STUPID! I kept. No, I KEEP forgetting that EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE! The bookish community is the most welcoming place EVER!
Every single one of us needs to remember
I swear by this.
Each and every time I post, or comment, I am scared. But you know what? I think that it's okay to be scared . Even if I am terrified, once it is done I always feel better about myself, I feel happy! Every time I do one of these things, I feel like maybe I can be a normal turtle too! Yes my fear probably will never go away, talking to other people is scary! But when they reply back, or comment on my own blog. ITS WORTH IT! It makes me feel like the best turtle in the world!
Fear is okay. As long as you don't let it grow. It's like an evil monster. If you don't attack it, it will kill you. NOBODY WANTS TO DIE!! Facing your fears is the most important thing to do, ever. If you don't, all of your fears will come true. Your blog won't grow, you won't make friends. You will be a shy turtle forever! So viciously attack your fear, even if it is with your bare hands!
Are you a shy turtle too? How do you face your fears?
If you read my 2016 resolutions post, you would know I decided to write a book! Well I sat my butt down after days of avoiding it, and started planning. I can't share anything yet. Since I have a lot more work to do* Instead I thought I would do a post where I force encourage you to write your own book! This will not only be something I can look back on when I am threatening to give up on my dream, but it will help you too! Maybe you are taking the extremely risky and dangerous task of writing a book, or your just not quite sure if you want too! This post is for everyone so just read it. I COMMAND YOU TOO!
*by a lot, I mean basically everything. But shhhh... let's just keep that between you and me!
Come on, you can't deny that you enjoy writing! It is so much fun! writing creates endless possibilities! You can write about anything you want, you can write in whatever style you want, and best of all... YOU CAN KILL EVERYONE! 'Cause come on, you can't deny it, how fun would that be?
Anything you could ever possibly come up with, can be created through writing! Anything. Any place. Anyone. Whether you want to create a man eating duck, a zebra without stripes definitely not a horse a world where people are potatoes. ANYTHING is possible!
As you progress in your story, trust me, you will feel great! There might be a lot of pain, tears, and torture involved, but it will all be worth it! Just focus on the little things you do. For example, my whole family was forced to share my joy when I finally came up with what to write about, since I squealed with great enthusiasm, and shouted dramatically...
Other than school, blogging, Netflix, reading, and the few times I leave the house. I've got nothing. I think we all got nothing* A great thing to do in that time is, write! Sitting surrounded by food, and buried 10 feet under a massive blanket, while writing a book about talking dragons who like eating people, is the absolute PERFECT way of spending free time! The only thing that could ever beat that, is riding a talking dragon as it kills your enemies. But I only do that on weekends...
*unless your not an unsocial potato. Then I congratulate you, and kindly ask you TEACH ME HOWWWW!!!
Who doesn't want to brag about the fact that they wrote an ENTIRE book? Pssshhhhhh... no one! I think we all wanna do it! You can't deny it. The best person to brag too is publishers, because they will buy it. Then you will be rich. You will move to a castle. Then form an army of koalas. How amazing would that be???!! There is a minuscule chance that it will happen. But it might... so whatever...
These are just 5 of the many reasons you should try writing! Whether it's writing an entire book, or just a short story, you should do it!
*by a lot, I mean basically everything. But shhhh... let's just keep that between you and me!
Come on, you can't deny that you enjoy writing! It is so much fun! writing creates endless possibilities! You can write about anything you want, you can write in whatever style you want, and best of all... YOU CAN KILL EVERYONE! 'Cause come on, you can't deny it, how fun would that be?
Anything you could ever possibly come up with, can be created through writing! Anything. Any place. Anyone. Whether you want to create a man eating duck, a zebra without stripes definitely not a horse a world where people are potatoes. ANYTHING is possible!
As you progress in your story, trust me, you will feel great! There might be a lot of pain, tears, and torture involved, but it will all be worth it! Just focus on the little things you do. For example, my whole family was forced to share my joy when I finally came up with what to write about, since I squealed with great enthusiasm, and shouted dramatically...
Even Shia LaBeouf is proud
*unless your not an unsocial potato. Then I congratulate you, and kindly ask you TEACH ME HOWWWW!!!
Who doesn't want to brag about the fact that they wrote an ENTIRE book? Pssshhhhhh... no one! I think we all wanna do it! You can't deny it. The best person to brag too is publishers, because they will buy it. Then you will be rich. You will move to a castle. Then form an army of koalas. How amazing would that be???!! There is a minuscule chance that it will happen. But it might... so whatever...
These are just 5 of the many reasons you should try writing! Whether it's writing an entire book, or just a short story, you should do it!
What are some other great things about writing? Are you planning on writing a book? Have you ever written one? Or are you flailing for things to write about?
Author: Leigh Bardugo
Series: The Grisha #2
Pages: 435
Series: The Grisha #2
Pages: 435
Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land. She finds starting new is not easy while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. She can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.
The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her--or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.
The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her--or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.
The beginning was great! The book started quickly, beckoning me into its pages... I was really happy with this, because any book with a quick start, that isn't confusing, deserves an A+ from me! Not to mention there was a plot twist, and it happend quite quickly in my opinion! Despite the quick start, I felt as though things were starting to ease back down, but then... BAM! I will say no more, for the very few of you have not read this book.
As things progressed, they began to slow down Although the true action parts were no longer there, conflict was still around. Everything that happend was very stressful in my opinion. You could tell that each of the characters was in a state of constant fear. The threat of the Darkling was actually only one of Alina's problems. The middle was focused more on romance. Yes she was also making plans for her army, but thats not important... What was really being focused on was love. Her and Mal's relationship, was well... I don't really know how to feel about it. Let's just say... they aren't my OTP *cowers* Their relationship was a bit, well, rough in this book. Mal was not happy, it was quite clear. Although I am DYING to say more, I won't. Don't fear. In the end, I felt the middle was a bit weak, I could have used some more action.
The characters were very clearly, themselves I think Leigh Bardugo did a very good job of expressing each of the characters personalities! Everyone had their own uniqueness... Each characters was fully developed and everything about them was clearly linked to their past! Which is of course, fabulous, as backstories are my life.
Alina was... transforming Throughout the book she was having what I like to think of as a battle against herself. The power of.... I'm not sure if I can say it... I guess I won't... The power of this thing she got at the beginning of the book was really affecting her. It was controlling her. I think it actually helped her find her priorities, and understand herself better. It also had a strong affect on her and Mal's relationship.
How about the end? As you know, I wasn't the biggest fan of the middle, but I did enjoy the end. I liked the slight twist in the story, it made everything all the more exciting, without it, the book would have been quite boring. The twist was perfectly planned out, when I was starting get a little frustrated with all the romance and general boringness, it was there to save me! You know when your super hot and then you walk into an air conditioned room? Its like the best feeling ever, its just so nice. Thats what the ending felt like to me, perfect! Also it definitely makes a great transition into the next book!
Final Rating:
Today I was confused. I had no idea what kind of post I was going to write. I just new that I was in the mood to right one. For some reason I felt like I was neglecting my blog for the past few days, I had a spike in the amount of views I got one day *flails* and then I got a VERY small amount the next couple days, that is not okay. One of my resolutions was to try and balance out my views. So I decided today I was going to write a new post. Then I realized that I had no idea what to write about. My tiny brain went into overdrive. I just NEEDED a something to post. Plus I wanted to join the January Discussion Challenge (which you should check out!)Then my slightly singed brain came up with the wonderful idea to write about books. Wow, how original. But no. What my brain thought up of was to literally talk about books. Books themselves. Well specifically eBooks vs. regular books.
So today marks the day of a great battle, the battle between eBooks and plain old regular books. What are the benefits to each? What are the cons?
Let us first talk about benefits. So I know present to you, the benefits of books:
They are beautiful there is no denying that books are beautiful. Bookstagram, and book photography proves this. So do the covers of the most shiny books on your bookshelf. Does it not please your soul, to simply look at books, to admire their covers, their textures, and the exquisite artwork that lays upon them. Even the most ugly stories can have beautiful covers.
Simply touching a book is pleasing. Tracing its cover, flipping through the pages, feeling its unique texture. Its all so perfect. Its a feeling you cant describe, I hope I am not the only one who experiences it. Do you ever go to your bookshelf and slide your fingers along the spines of your books, and just take them in? Just take a moment to appreciate them?
Bookshelves are only perfect when they are full one thing that I think every-single book blogger desires, is a full bookshelf. Do you not feel the joys of adding a new book to your collection? Do you not feel happiness from the depths of your heart gazing upon a full shelf of your favorite books? If you don't, are you sure?Are you mentally sound?
Now we shall wander over to the benefits of eBooks:
More portable this is an obvious one. You can take hundreds of eBooks and only carry the weight of your eReader. Whereas if you took a hundred books, you would probably die or is it just me? eBooks can go everywhere.
Cheaper Money is something I don't have, and 2 out of 3 of you don't have either obviously this is real, would I ever just make this up, whaaaaat no. This number is 100000% real. Or is it... Despite this however, we still demand books that we cant afford. Solution? Well you can embark on the treacherous journey to the library, or stay at home and buy eBooks.
More comfortable...? I find when I am using my eReader to read it is easier to find a comfortable position in which I can lay down. When I am reading a normal book, I am always fidgeting for one of these reasons a) I can't flip the pages the way I am laying, b) the book is heavy and is hurting me, or c) I am trying to hold it above me and it keeps falling on my face. You might be thinking, Maya why don't you just sit not lay down? Never.
Okay so now that we have listed the benefits for each, here is a quick list of cons, starting with books:
- Expensive
- Not so portable
- eBooks are just easier to hold, tell me you understand what I mean??
Here my people, is a list of cons for eBooks:
- Not as prettythis is a real con, I swear
- You don't experience the same joy of looking at themalso 100% logical, tell me you get it!!
- They aren't as fun to collect
- Reading a book is more fun
As you can hopefully see, there is clear benefits to each of them. Although I am your Queen I can't decide which one you prefersadly You can choose to read whatever you like! Maybe eBooks are more in your budget! Or maybe you prefer books because they simply look betterif so, you are my twin Whatever you choose to read doesn't matter, whether it's paper or digital, it is still the same story!
So, What do you prefer? Books? Or eBooks? Or are you stuck in the middle?
Tell me below!
Author: Rick Riordan
Series: Magnus Chase #1
Pages: 491
Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother’s mysterious death, he’s lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, keeping one step ahead of the police and the truant officers.
One day, he’s tracked down by a man he’s never met—a man his mother claimed was dangerous. The man tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god.
The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years.
When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision.
Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die . . .
Rick Riordan is an amazing author! Everything that he writes is gold! I adored the Percy Jackson and Heroes Of Olympus series! They are definitely in my top 5 favorite series of all time! Rick Riordans writing is just so light-hearted and funny! Most YA books are very heavy reads, his books are like a breath of fresh air! while they are still action-packed and are very intense, they also aren't always serious, funny moments are happening 24/7 throughout this book and definitely making the fact they are fighting giants hilarious!
Annabeth is in it! DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT A SPOILER THIS HAPPENS ON THE FIRST PAGE I'm sorry I just felt like I had to make that heard. Annabeth is there on the first page, and it honestly isn't even important! I just thought I was very cute how he brought one of the characters we love into his brand spanking' new series! Although it isn't for long, at least she made an appearance! I also find the relationship between Magnus and Annabeth hilarious, as both are dealing with separate types of Gods and for some reason I find that amusing...?
The relationships between the characters are nice they all feel like one delicious family! Magnus and his friends are so perfect together! I enjoyed reading about them a ton, the situations they got themselves in and how they reacted were hilarious! One thing this book lacked, was romance! *gasps* a YA book without romance?! That's impossible. Although they are rare, they definitely exist, and Magnus Chase and The Sword of Summer is one of them! Love wasn't on their minds in this book, they were a bit busy, you know doing more important things... I'm not sure whether to view this as a positive or a negative though. Some people might enjoy the refreshing break from all the lovey-dovey mushiness in other books, but I do enjoy shipping... So I haven't really made up my mind on that yet. At one point in the series I would like a l'il bit of love though, as Rick Riordan created Perabeth, why can't he create *insert ship name for Magnus and some other girl here*
(this is freaking adorable)
The ending wasn't intese but it left me begging for more! I can't exactly give details as that would be too much of a spoiler... All I can say is READ THE BOOK IF YOU WANT TO KNOW! Okay? Okay.
Percy Jackson is better... I can't bring myself to say I love this book when I have a glorious series called Percy Jackson to compare it too! I will always love Percy. I would never betray him. I found Percy's adventures a little better, this might however be because I found the Greek Gods more interesting than the Norse! I also felt as if Magnus Chase was a bit too similar, in Percy Jackson demigods went to Camp Half-Blood, in Magnus Chase Demigods (and occasional mortals) go to a hotel. Both ideas are flawless but after reading Percy Jackson first, they just seemed a little bit too similar to me! I did however greatly enjoy Magnus Chase despite this!
Final Rating:
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Keeping up the deadly charade becomes increasingly difficult when Celaena realizes she is not the only one seeking justice. As she tries to untangle the mysteries buried deep within the glass castle, her closest relationships suffer. It seems no one is above questioning her allegiances—not the Crown Prince Dorian; not Chaol, the Captain of the Guard; not even her best friend, Nehemia, a foreign princess with a rebel heart.
Series: Throne of Glass #2
Pages: 418
From the throne of glass rules a king with a fist of iron and a soul as black as pitch. Assassin Celaena Sardothien won a brutal contest to become his Champion. Yet Celaena is far from loyal to the crown. She hides her secret vigilantly; she knows that the man she serves is bent on evil.Keeping up the deadly charade becomes increasingly difficult when Celaena realizes she is not the only one seeking justice. As she tries to untangle the mysteries buried deep within the glass castle, her closest relationships suffer. It seems no one is above questioning her allegiances—not the Crown Prince Dorian; not Chaol, the Captain of the Guard; not even her best friend, Nehemia, a foreign princess with a rebel heart.
Then one terrible night, the secrets they have all been keeping lead to an unspeakable tragedy. As Celaena's world shatters, she will be forced to give up the very thing most precious to her and decide once and for all where her true loyalties lie... and whom she is ultimately willing to fight for.
I loved it. It is safe to say, I freaking loved it. The first book I didn't love so much. But this book. I loved it.
It was action-packed I have said this in every single review; I LOVE ACTION. IT FUELS MY SOUL. EVERY SINGLE FLIPPING BOOK IN THE ENTIRE WORLD NEEDS ACTION. If you haven't heard me say these things, what are you doing? Go read all my reviews!(casual self promotion...) Anyhow, lets get back on track. Crown Of Midnight was stuffed with a thousand tons of beautiful, juicy, action. What more could you ask for in life? This of course means...
I couldn't put it down Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, everyone was sleeping, quiet like mice. But then in the darkness a sound was heard! A page being flipped once, twice. Young Maya was awake and devouring her book. This is the truth. The book was so good! I had to know everything! I needed to know what was happening at all times, it was impossible to stop reading.
My OTPPPPPPPPP was ugh, so beautiful so's as you know, the first book contained a love triangle. Yikes! Well I chose the man that was meant to be with her, and I shipped them with all the power in me. It happend. It also made me cry. Because other stuff happend. Stuff that wasn't good. Which reminds me the feels were so freaking powerful it made me cry!!! I am not exaggerating, usually when I cry in a book its because it is freaking amazing. All the books I cry in get 4 or 5 stars. which therefore means the book is super duper ultra amazing, because tears are also amazing...? Also can I point out the plot twists... damn.
Also my other favorite thing in this world other than action, Character depth. It was there, and it was glorious. In the first book we were introduced to each of the characters and given a backstory for each of them. The second book expanded on those glorious stories, taking them to whole new levels. I learned things about ALL the characters, that I hadn't known before, which lead me to a greater connection and understanding of them
The end? I gotta say it wasn't bad! I didn't like the ending, not because it was horrible or anything, it was just... I wish my OTP ran off into the sunset together... but they didn't :( *wails* The ending, although not what I wanted, is considered a good ending in the writing world. It allows a great transition into the next book, and definitely leaves me begging for more!
Final Rating:
Have you read the Throne of Glass series? Did you enjoy it?