Christmas = Christmas break = reading 24/7!!!!!!! Without school wasting all my reading time I will be freeeee! To read and read and read! So today's post is Decembers TBR!
Lux Opposition By Jennifer L. Armentruout The last book in the amazing, fabulous, beautiful, glorious series EVER. I think this is my favorite book series(and I haven't even read the last book yet!)
Half Blood By Jennifer L. Armentrout yes another book by Jennifer L. Armentrout.Since Lux was live a gift from the gods I have to read her other books!! To see if they are just as amazing.
Shadow And Bone By Leigh Bardugo I'm Finally going to read this glorious book! So much hype has been around it and Six Of Crows, well now I will be one step closer to reading Six Of Crows (since I'm making myself read this first)
Throne Of Glass By Sarah J. Maas I am actually ashamed I haven't read this yet. Enough said
Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone I have actually read this, don't worry. I just MUST reread it because 4 years is along time... and that's how long ago I read it!
Of course with Christmas coming and all the books I'm planning on getting my December TBR is DEFIANTLY going grow, a lot! so look forward to the wrap up at the end of the month!